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How to Get Rid Of Dry Skin: Home Remedies to Remove Dry Skin from Face

How to Get Rid Of Dry Skin

Dry skin on face makes the whole appearance of a person dull. Dry skin lacks healthy sebaceous gland activity. If the sebaceous gland does not produce enough sebum, skin feels dry. The dry skin condition can be recognized by scratching. The scratching dislodges dead layers of skin resulting in the white lines on the skin. Wrinkles appear much faster on dry skin rather on any other type of skin. However, there are many different remedies that can be created at home to get rid of dry skin on face. With the help of these home treatments you can prevent and cure dry skin on face naturally.

Dry skin requires particular care and attention as it is prone to a variety of problems. Extremely dry skin can cause cracks and breaks on the skin. Here are some of the effective home remedies for dry skin that you may try for removing dry flaky skin on face.

Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Most importantly, you need to drink a lot of water. When your body is not hydrated generally, there is no way that your skin will be hydrated either. It is recommended that every should be drinking eight to ten glasses of water each day, but really, you can never really drink too much water, especially if you already have dry skin issues.

To get rid of dry skin, have a warm glass of milk mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil. Drink this before sleep and you should see a positive change in your dry skin soon enough. This is one of the best home remedies for dry cracked skin.

If you do not have money for expensive lotions and creams to treat your dry skin, you can always use baby lotion. It is cheap, but also very effective. Baby lotion is a great moisturizer and it is for babies, so you know that it does not contain any chemicals or added ingredients that might damage your skin, especially if you already have very sensitive skin.

Likewise, you should probably stick to baby shampoo and baby soap if you have very sensitive skin. Keep the skin safe and moisturize it, that is important. Before you take a bath or shower, put some honey on your skin and leave it for five or ten minutes, as long as you can take it, because it can be a little sticky and annoying.

Honey is another effective home remedy for dry itchy skin. Honey is one of the best natural moisturizers, but it is also important that it is raw honey that you are using, not the processed kind you find in stores that isn't very natural at all and has many additives.

Another inexpensive alternative to creams and lotions is sesame oil. Rub the oil on your body after taking a shower and that should help keep your skin moisturized for a good portion of the day. This is one of the best home remedies for dry sensitive skin on face.

Coconut and avocado oil are also very good for dry skin. You can also make a paste out of avocado and apply it to your skin for a good moisturizing treatment. This is an excellent natural remedy for dry skin.

Glycerin also works very well on dry skin and dry lips. Prepare glycerin face packs and masks for dry skin. An effective home remedy for dry skin is to mix glycerin, lemon juice and rose water in equal proportions, and apply on your face. Leave it on overnight and wash your face thoroughly in the morning.

Another of the best home remedies for dry skin is yogurt. Apply fresh yogurt on your hands, face and legs and gently massage it into your skin. Leave it there for 15 minutes, and then rinse it off. Yogurt contains lactic acid and acts as a mild exfoliant on dry skin. Also try this facial mask for treating dry skin on face. Take one tablespoon of yogurt and mix one teaspoon of honey. Apply it on your forehead, face and neck. This face mask soothes irritation and blemishes associated with dry and sensitive skin.

Mix a few drops of lemon juice and 4 table spoons of milk. Apply this mixture on the face and on other parts of your body where the skin is dry. This dry skin home remedy can be combined with rose water to have better effects. Rose water is good to use on dry skin, as it increases oil production and the growth of new skin.

Baking soda helps reduce skin rashes. Blend some baking soda, oatmeal, and vanilla extract in to a paste and mix it in a tub of warm water and then soak in it for as long as you like. This should leave your dry skin feeling both refreshed and moisturized.

Aloe vera is one of the best natural moisturizer for dry skin. Aloe vera is a tried and tested remedy to treat a dry skin. Dry cracked, flaky skin can be treated well with the application of aloe vera. Apply aloe vera gel evenly on face, let it dry for 15 minutes, and wash off with water to heal your dry skin fast.

Avocados is an excellent home remedy to treat the dry skin as they are rich in fat and can help in moisturizing the dry skin.  Hydrate and revitalize dry skin with a moisturizing avocado face mask. This easy to make nourishing face mask for dry skin uses only 2 natural ingredients- avocado and honey. Blend avocado pulp and honey in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Apply this paste on the dry patches and leave for about 30 minutes.

Banana is another wonderful natural remedy for the dry skin. Banana has vitamin A that restores the lost moisture to prevent the dry skin. Simply mash one banana and apply this directly on the face and other dry patched areas and allow the mashed banana to dry. This is one of the best create moisturizing face masks for getting rid of dry skin.

Castor oil is also good at treating such problems as skin dryness. Blend three parts of olive oil with one part of castor oil. Apply a thick layer of castor oil mix all over the body before taking a bath. Applying castor oil to dry skin repairs the damage caused to it in winter.

Skin under the eyes is very delicate and may get dry easily. Dry skin around the eyelids can be common during the winter months. If you have dry skin around eyes, just use raw potato home remedy. Close your eyes and cover eyelids with slices of raw potato or cucumber to get rid of dry skin around eyes.

You can  also use lemon juice to get rid of dry skin around the eyes. Take honey and lemon juice in an equal amount and mix them well. Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply it on the dry skin around the eyes.

These are some of the best dry skin remedies to help relieve and prevent dry patches on skin. Try these nourishing home remedies for dry skin.

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