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Getting Rid Of Chapped Lips: Home Remedies to Cure Cracked Lips

Get Rid Of Chapped Lips

Chapped lips is a condition where lips become very dry causing dry patch on lips, severe cracks, swelling and peeling of the skin over the lips. Severe chapped lips can cause bleeding, which is not only being painful, but can also harm your appearance making you uncomfortable. Dry chapped lips are a very common phenomenon that can occur due to various factors. The main reason that our lips become dry chapped is due to moisture loss.

The most common symptoms of cracked lips include flaky skin on the lips along with constant dryness experienced in the area. The best way to treat chapped lips is to restore moisture to them as quickly as possible. There are plenty of home remedies for dry chapped lips to retain moisture and heal them fast. Learn about natural treatments for getting rid of chapped lips.

Chapped Lips Cure - Home Remedies for Dry Cracked Lips

Chapped lips can be unattractive and sometimes painful. It is essential to take a proper care of them in order to prevent cracking. However, nature has plenty of remedies for restoring the moisture and softness to dry cracked lips. Here are some natural cures and home remedies for getting rid of chapped lips.

1. The dead skin cells can make your lips looking dry flaky, and chapped. Gently exfoliate your chapped, peeling lips with soft toothbrush or cloth piece, and then apply some honey to make them smooth and supple.

2. The best way to treat chapped lips is to keep lip balms or moisturizers on hand. Apply oil-based lip balm or lubricating cream to restore and hold moisture to prevent and heal cracked lips.

3. Massaging petroleum jelly works great for soothing extremely dry cracked lips, as they lock the moisture in them.

4. Lip chapping can be avoided by drinking more water. If the body is well-hydrated, the dry lip skin will also be moist that will prevent further cracking or chapping.

5. Deficiency of Vitamin A is also one of the main causes for chapped lips. To get rid of cracking, increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamin A.

6. Cocoa butter treatment helps in preventing lip chapping. Apply some cocoa butter every couple of hours. It will help keep them moist and soften.

7. You can also try caster oil as a home remedy for cracked lips. Applying castor oil lubricates the lip area to prevent dryness.

8. Honey is one of the most effective home remedies to treat cracked lips. Apply honey before going to bed at night to heal the cracks quickly. This natural remedy also prevents bleeding from cracks.

9. Ground rose petals with milk cream. Apply it on the chapped lips to get rid of dryness on them fast.

10. Olive oil can help prevent chapping of lips. Applying a thin layer of olive oil daily is a great moisturizer for extremely dry lips.

11. Put a small amount of aloe vera gel daily to prevent lip cracking. Aloe vera gel smoothes and moisturizes the dry chapped lip area.

12. Rub cucumber slice on the dry lip skin to get rid of dryness. Cucumber is cold by nature, and hence helpful to clear away the dryness.

13. Mash a ripe papaya into a paste and apply to the lips. Keep it for 10 minutes and rinse off. This heals cracked lips and seals in the moisture.

Cure chapped lips or cracked lips with these natural home remedies, and keep them soft and moisturized to prevent it from getting dry. Of the measures of beauty, lips are an essential constituent and hence they deserve special care.

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